Rating of Boos from various Mario games


Super Mario Bros. 3 (Boo Diddlys)

Look at that boy!! He’s certainly up to something, and he’s ready for it! The dark background shows off just how pale he is!!!! (10/10)

Super Mario World (Boo Buddies)

Oh, there’s three here!! Already a great start! And look, they’re showing off how many different faces they can make!! You go, boo Buddies!! (10/10)

Super Mario 64

He may be pointy, but look at those amazing blue eyes! Don’t you just wanna stare into them for hours? Not as big of a smile as his predecessors, but that doesn’t matter!!! (10/10)

Super Mario Sunshine

Aaaaaa such a long tongue! And those teeth make the expression so adorable! They also like to take naps, so be sure not to wake them!!! (10/10)

Super Mario Galaxy

Here you can see they start getting bigger, which means more Boo to love!!! They’re so squishy-looking, I just wanna give ‘em a hug!!! (10/10)

Super Mario 3D World

YOU CAN SEE THROUGH THEM??? STUPENDOUS!!!! Look, they got their tongues out and they’re on the chase! (10/10)

Mario Party (4 and 5)

He’s got a cute little outfit on, oh no my heart can’t take this!!!! I wanna see him do some cool magic tricks, would hire as a birthday wizard!!! (10/10)

Wouldya look at that! This Boo’s gonna gobble up aaaaalll the ice cream!!! Bonus points for first playable Mario Party Boo!!!!! (10/10)

Paper Mario

Ooooo they got very pointy, yes they did! But lookit those eyebrows!! I’d trust them, I mean, look at how expressive they can be!!! (10/10)

But that’s not all!!! Let’s do King Boo to wrap things up!!!


So round and smooth and soft! And that crown is so sparkly, oh my goodness!! A very Good King!!!! (10/10)

Luigi’s Mansion

His tongue!!! It’s blue!!! And bright red eyes to match that jeweled crown??? Gorgeous!!!! (10/10)

Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon

Call me biased, but purple is my Favorite color, making this my Favorite King Boo. That ominous look! Those shadowy eyes!!! I love this!!! (10000/10)

I hope you enjoyed my rating, because simply put, all Boos are good.

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