





Upchuck the black vulture (Chuck for short). Happy Halloween!

I’d never thought I’d say this, but that is a very cute vulture.

You might be surprised at how cute vultures can be! While Chuck is a little uncomfortable about large crowds, he is super cuddly with people he trusts and is a total ham for the camera. I’ve only gotten the chance to hang out with him a few times, but he’s very clever and a joy to work with!

(here’s the original post, plus another picture, so we can stop reblogging the repost)



Handsome boy!




Cedar Waxwings by jocelynefeizo1

#do cedar waxwings ever eat anything besides photogenic red berries#do cedar waxwings ever do anything besides eating photogenic red berries#is there any way this child can get its parent to stop feeding it photogenic red berries

watch how many berries I can cram into this other bird


If it will fit into their face, birds will eat it.

If it will not fit into their face, birds will attempt to eat it anyway, and will likely succeed out of sheer spite and hubris.

People are worried about snakes sizing them up to eat (which they don’t even do, by the way), but snakes are just a spine with a face. Ratites like the cassowary here are basically velociraptors that did not Survive The Apocalypse just to put up with human nonsense about who can eat an apple faster. They can. And you’re next.